Fun Frozen Vending Machine
Ice cream is always a fun thing to enjoy. What if we could combine the joy of eating an ice cream with the thrill of playing a claw catching machine? Yes , with Happy Ice's Fun vending machine, your customer can play while enjoying the delicious ice cream at the same time. This fun vending machine is easy to operate and perform extremely well at shopping malls and leisure places. It is always the centre of the attraction whenever it is deployed. It can be programmed to work in game mode , or Play-Till-Get One mode.
Machine specialties:
- ‘Play while enjoying ice cream ’
- Live view & alarm system. Support cash and cashless system
- 2 operation modes:
- Vending mode = Play until get one
- Game mode = $1 per catch
- Static freezer technology. Electric 250watt/hr
- Multiple usages: Sales, Marketing, New Product launching, Reward machine
- Best placed at commercial malls and family friendly places